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Zhang Z, Baxter AE, Ren D, Qin K, Chen Z, Collins SM, Huang H, Komar CA, Bailer PF, Parker JB, Blobel GA, Kohli RM, Wherry EJ, Berger SL, Shi J. (2023) Efficient engineering of human and mouse primary cells using peptide-assisted genome editing. Nat Biotechnol. 

Zhang Z#, Parker MP#, Graw S, Novikova L, Fedosyuk H, Fontes J, Koestler DC, Peterson KR, and Slawson C. (2019) O-GlcNAc homeostasis contributes to cell fate decisions during hematopoiesis. J Biol Chem. 294(4):1363-1379.
#Co-first author.

More Publications

  • Zhang Z, Costa FC, Tan EP, Bushue N, DiTacchio L, Costello CE, McComb ME, Whelan SA, Peterson KR, Slawson C. (2016) O-Linked N-Acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) Transferase and O-GlcNAcase Interact with Mi2β Protein at the Aγ-Globin Promoter. J Biol Chem. 291(30):15628-40.

  • Zhang Z#, Tan EP#, VandenHull NJ, Peterson KR, Slawson C. (2014) O-GlcNAcase  Expression is Sensitive to Changes in O-GlcNAc Homeostasis. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 5:206. #Co-first author.

  • Zhang Z#, Zhang P#, and Hu H. (2011). LARGE expression augments the glycosylation of glycoproteins in addition to α-dystroglycan conferring laminin binding. PLoS One 6(4):e19080. #Co-first author.

  • Collins SM, Alexander KA, Lundh S, Dimitri AJ, Zhang Z, Good CR, Fraietta JA, Berger SL. (2023) TOX2 coordinates with TET2 to positively regulate central memory differentiation in human CAR T cells. Sci Adv. 9(29):eadh2605.doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adh2605

  • Kee J, Thudium S, Renner DM, Glastad K, Palozola K, Zhang Z, Li Y, Lan Y, Cesare J, Poleshko A, Kiseleva AA, Truitt R, Cardenas-Diaz FL, Zhang X, Xie X, Kotton DN, Alysandratos KD, Epstein JA, Shi PY, Yang W, Morrisey E, Garcia BA, Berger SL, Weiss SR, Korb E. (2022) SARS-CoV-2 disrupts host epigenetic regulation via histone mimicry. Nature. 610(7931):381-388.

  • Chen Z, Arai E, Khan O, Zhang Z, Ngiow SF, He Y, Huang H, Manne S, Cao Z, Baxter AE, Cai Z, Freilich E, Ali MA, R Giles JR, Wu JE, Greenplate AR, Hakeem MA, Chen Q, Kurachi M, Nzingha K, Ekshyyan V, Mathew D, Wen Z, Speck NA, Battle A, Berger SL, Wherry EJ, Shi J. (2021) In vivo CD8 + T cell CRISPR screening reveals control by Fli1 in infection and cancer. Cell. 184(5):1262-1280

  • Good CR, Aznar MA, Kuramitsu S, Samareh P, Agarwal S, Donahue G, Ishiyama K, Wellhausen N, Rennels AK, Ma Y, Tian L, Guedan S, Alexander KA, Zhang Z, Rommel PC, Singh N, Glastad KM, Richardson MW, Watanabe K, Tanyi JL, O'Hara MH, Ruella M, Lacey SF, Moon EK, Schuster SJ, Albelda SM, Lanier LL, Young RM, Berger SL, June CH. (2021) An NK-like CAR T cell transition in CAR T cell dysfunction. Cell. 184(25):6081-6100.

  • Pingul BY, Huang H, Chen Q, Alikarami F, Zhang Z, Qi J, Bernt KM, Berger SL, Cao Z, Shi J. (2022) Dissection of the MEF2D-IRF8 transcriptional circuit dependency in acute myeloid leukemia. iScience. 25(10):105139.

  • Zhou Y, Petrovic J, JiZhao J, Zhang W,  Bigdeli A, Zhang Z, Berger SL, Pear WS, Faryabi RB. (2022) EBF1 nuclear repositioning instructs chromatin refolding to promote therapy resistance in T leukemic cells. Mol Cell. 82(5):1003-1020

  • Beltra J-C, Abdel-Hakeem MS, Manne S, Zhang Z, Huang H, Kurachi M, Su L, Picton L, Muroyama Y, Casella V, Huang YJ, Giles JR, Mathew D, Belman J, Klapholz M, Decaluwe H, Huang AC, Berger SL, Garcia C, Wherry EJ. (2022) Enhanced STAT5a activation rewires exhausted CD8 T cells during chronic stimulation to acquire a hybrid durable effector like state. bioRxiv.

  • Cao Z, Budinich KA, Huang H, Ren D, Lu B, Zhang Z, Chen Q, Zhou Y, Huang YH, Alikarami F, Kingsley MC, Lenard AK, Wakabayashi A, Khandros E, Bailis W, Qi J, Carroll MP, Blobel GA, Faryabi RB, Bernt KM, Berger SL, Shi J. (2021) ZMYND8-regulated IRF8 transcription axis is an acute myeloid leukemia dependency. Mol Cell. 81(17):3604-3622

  • Lin-Shiao E, Lan Y, Welzenbach J, Alexander KA, Zhang Z, Knapp M, Mangold E, Sammons M, Ludwig KU, Berger SL. (2019). p63 establishes epithelial enhancers at critical craniofacial development genes. Sci Adv. 5(5):eaaw0946.

  • Machacek M, Saunders H, Zhang Z, Tan EP, Li J, Li T, Villar MT, Artigues A, Lydic T, Cork G, Slawson C, Fields PE. (2019) Elevated O-GlcNAcylation enhances proinflammatory Th17 function by altering the intracellularlipid microenvironment. J Biol Chem. 294(22):8973-8990

  • McGreal SR, Bhushan B, Walesky C, McGill MR, Lebofsky M, Kandel SE, Winefield RD, Jaeschke H, Zachara NE, Zhang Z, Tan EP, Slawson C, Apte U. (2018) Modulation of O-GlcNAc levels in the liver impacts acetaminophen-induced liver injury by affecting protein adduct formation and glutathione synthesis. Toxicol Sci. 162(2):599-610

  • Tan EP, Mcgreal S, Graw S, Tessman R, Koppel S, Dhakal P, Zhang Z, Machacek M, Zachara N, Koestler D, Peterson KR, Thyfault J, Swerdlow R, Krishnamurthy P, DiTacchio L, Apte U, and Slawson C. (2017) Sustained O-GlcNAcylation reprograms mitochondrial function to regulate energy metabolism. J Biol Chem. 292(36):14940-62.

  • Lanza C, Tan EP, Zhang Z, Machacek M, Brinker AE, Azuma M, Slawson C. (2016) Reduced O-GlcNAcase expression promotes mitotic errors and spindle defects. Cell Cycle.15(10):1363-75.

  • Pierce AN, Zhang Z, Fuentes IM, Wang R, Ryals JM, Christianson JA. (2015) Neonatal vaginal irritation results in long-term visceral and somatic hypersensitivity and increased hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis output in female mice. Pain. 156(10):2021-31.

  • Xu T, Wang Q, Ma X, Zhang Z, Zhang W, Xue X, Zhang C., Hao Q., Li W, Zhang Y, and Li M.  (2013) A novel dimeric thymosin beta 4 with enhanced activities accelerates the rate of wound healing. Drug Des Devel Ther. 7: 1075-1088.

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